New opening: A rat cafe where you pay to eat with rodents – No joke!


A pop-up cafe in San Francisco is offering you the unusual experience of dining in their rat-infested eatery.

What’s more, you will have to fork out a staggering $49 (£38) for the privilege of sipping a cup of coffee and tucking into a piece of cake while rodents watch on or scurry by. On the bright side, it’s an all-you-can-drink coffee buffet.

Are you freaked out?

Don’t worry, this is bit of a publicity stunt by the The San Francisco Dungeon, a tourist attraction where actors reenact bits of the region’s history.

The cafe will open on two dates only: July 1st and July 8th 2017.

The rats are domestic pets provided by Rattie Ratz, a Bay Area rat rescue group. And when you are done eating you get to spend 15 minutes getting to know the “ambassador rat”. If you happen to fall in love with the rats, you can adopt one.

They say rats are clean, intelligent and trainable.

Rat-uccino anyone?

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